Tembakau Mole International Quality Tobaco

Sumedang District is tropical in West Java is best to plant tobacco in Indonesia, as is evident from the success of tobacco and tobacco Mole Black gets licensed International, tobacco production centers in the District Sumedang mole that has been known to various regions in Indonesia are Tanjungsari District and District Sukasari and is ungulan Tobacco Products No. 1 in West Java in Indonesia or mole because tobacco products are produced from the two districts have a good quality, so that the demand by the markets locally and nationally even internasionat The majority of the people of the two districts, especially the people who live in the village Pasigaran, Kadakajaya, Cijambu, Sukasari, Banyuresmi, tiles and Nanggerang livelihood as tobacco leaf processing highly proficient and meticulous in tobacco processing mole and has characteristics of other regions in Indonesia as farmers in commodity crops, crops and horticulture. The farmers of these villages obtain fresh tobacco leaves from the investment itself or the result of purchase from other areas of the District Wado, Situradja Darmaraja and Jatigede. There are two types of tobacco mole, the mole white tobacco and tobacco red mole. The difference of these two types of tobacco mole is from the color and taste. Mole tobacco leaf processing through several stages and activities that support the need for drying weather, because the weather factors determine the quality of tobacco produced. Among farmers recognized the term "mah Bako sapoe breathe, paeh sapoe", which in the Indonesian language "Tobacco is alive day and their deaths a day". The purpose of the term is that tobacco mole produced, quality is largely determined by factors drying or penjemuaran on the first day. If the process penjemuaran tobacco leaf on the first day earn enough so that the sun shines chopped tobacco leaves to dry, then it can be ascertained that the quality of tobacco produced mole would be good. On the contrary, if the drying process on the first day did not get enough sun exposure (chopped leaves are still wet) then the resulting mole temabakau quality will be low. then the factors that a mole tobacco tobacco no 1 in Indonesia seen from all processing can be summed tobacco has a taste very delicious and savory Royally Tobaco Mole Indonesia Jika anda tertarik untuk mencoba dan membelinya silahkan kirim email ke industrisumedang@gmail.com Untuk selanjutnya kami proses


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